FREE 4-Day Masterclass Series:

You’ll finally uncover & understand inherited patterns and fears that are ‘blocking’ your TRUE-Purpose and actually release and heal so you can unleash your hidden gifts AND effortlessly reach your goals and dreams!

Experience this FREE 4-Day Masterclass Series
with Lisa Thomas

March 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th
 9:30am PT / 11:30am CT/ 12:30pm ET

Lisa has been featured on…

In Activate Your Inner Healer you will:

Discover how your energy gets trapped and holds you back from your highest potential as a healing practitioner.
Tap into your soul-awakening healing gifts and finally silence the inner critic that sabotages your super powers.
Experience a LIVE ‘Release & Healing’ Session to set you free to realize your life’s purpose.

Masterclass Series starts in...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Most people fail to embrace and harness their full healing gift because they’re plagued by ‘trapped’ energy in their EMOTIONAL DNA. In This FREE Masterclass Series, You Will:

  • Instantly identify the 3 ways your energy gets trapped, to finally unblock and awaken your soul-gifts.
  • ​Discover the range of Spiritual Gifts so you can finally understand, develop and trust your untapped power as a new or experienced healing practitioner.
  • ​Silence those nagging voices that whisper, “something is wrong with me…why am I so different…why do I feel this way?” goodbye forever.
  • ​Walk through an actual RELEASE & HEALING session to remove negative ‘Emotional DNA’ that’s shackled you to the same downward spiral of your ancestors.
  • ​Uncover and heal conscious and subconscious fears about being a healer so you can quickly plug in to the power flowing freely in your own soul.
  • ​Experience a soul shift so you can feel confident in your healing abilities in working with others.
  • ​Up level your relationships, business, health, and entire life.

Meet your Host, Lisa Thomas

Lisa Thomas is a sought-after epigenetics expert, speaker, author, and transformational leader who contributes to society by facilitating accelerated healing.
Through the expansion of self-awareness, people are empowered to embrace collaboration and contribute to transforming the future of society.

She has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their business and life goals by releasing Inherited Emotional DNA, such as fear of success, fear of failure, anxiety, procrastination, fear of public speaking, false money beliefs, relationship drama, and business stagnation.

Lisa achieves this within her small-group programs, private coaching, Infinite Opulence - Healing Activation products and her Soul Awakening Method ( ™) Certification for healers. She lives in Los Angeles, California, with her husband and family.

Lisa has been featured on Good Morning LaLa Land, Allie & You, Dare to Dream, Inspired Conversations, Spirit Purpose Energy, as well as other stages and podcasts. Her book, Mistakes Into Money, is available on Amazon.

Love & Praise from Students + Practitioners

My life opened up in ways I never thought possible…

“My life opened up in ways I never thought possible… Working with Lisa Thomas has completely transformed my life. I am making more money, working with more of my ideal clients, and enjoying the work that I do more than ever before.”

Jaime Geffner, Geffner Productions
Not only has it helped me guide my clients to heal at even deeper levels than before...

“ I researched and researched…..coming across some amazing healing techniques but nothing that I personally resonated with. Then I came across Lisa’s Soul Awakening Method. WOW! This class far exceeded my expectations in every way. Not only has it helped me guide my clients to heal at even deeper levels than before but it has helped me to heal and overcome some habits of my own.”

Candice Brammer
Soul Awakening allows you, the practitioner, to take your client’s healing to a deeper level...

“My own clients have reported to me that they feel the ‘deep dive’ Soul Awakening takes them on as they progress through a session. Lisa Thomas has also reminded me how critically important it is to trust my own intuition, to trust my own spiritual gifts and allow them to expand through my own experience as an energy healer.”

Lisa Bailey, Living With Wholeness